Thursday, May 28, 2009

My sister "The INCREDIBLE"!

This post is about how ridiculously talented my sister is and how much I love her. Arianne has always been the one that was great with babies, knew how to cook from the time she could see over the counter, and can sew and quilt better than Martha herself! In a nutshell, she is the polar opposite of me!! Since the day I found out I was pregnant I was the annoying little sister that would call her about every day with questions and sometimes just to complain. Since having Camden the amount of questions have just doubled. She is like my mom encyclopedia.
Lucky for me Arianne offered to make all of Camden's baby bedding! I looked at a million baby bedding websites and went into tons of stores to get ideas. I told her what I wanted and she spent tons of time looking for just the right fabric. Since she lives in Arizona we did a lot of picture texting back and forth. I knew that she was good but when I saw all the bedding she had made especially for Camden I could not believe how adorable it looked. It was so much cutter than any of the bedding I had seen on all the baby websites or in any of the stores. But the thing that really made it special was how much time she had spent making it especially for him.
This crib was actually mine when I was a baby. Justin and I re-stained it to make it brown.
Camden obviously loves it!Back in December my sister bought a plane ticket around Camden's due date to make sure she would be here. Unfortunately at the time she bought her ticket we didn't realize that Mother's Day happened to fall on the Sunday that she would be in DC. Even more important, we didn't realize that her son's first birthday was also during her planned trip here! After trying to change the ticket to no avail Arianne, came out to help anyway missing both Mother's Day and her kiddo's birthday!!! It was a huge sacrifice that she never once complained about.
She was like Supernanny coming in and helping Justin and me. It was so nice to have her there since we are rookies at this. Since Camden came three weeks early, we were able to take him out and do lots of stuff while she was here. We had so much fun just laughing and talking. I wish so bad that we lived closer.
First time holding her new little nephew.
THANK YOU SO MUCH ARIANNE! I love you more than you know and I am so thankful for everything you do for me.


maeve said...

i love the bedding!! how amazing is your sister!?

Arianne Pearce said...

Trying to fight tears.... thanks for your nice words but really it was so fun for me to be so involved in your life and I love every second of it! I love the questions and phone calls. It was the best time ever out there with you and your sweet family. I love Camden and I loved bonding with him- I am his favorite aunt! I love you so much. Thanks for such a nice post.