Tuesday, November 4, 2008


If you have not had the chance to vote today there is still time to take part in this historic election. Get out there and vote, even if you have to stand in long lines. Its worth it because the incoming leaders will be facing challenges our country has never seen and we need to make sure we elect the right people to deal with them. Take advantage of the agency we have to choose our leaders, something many in this world do not enjoy. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm Justin Neumann and I approve this message"


Jessica F. said...

I am glad to see this message was approved by you, I was starting to wonder...

I love voting! I feel so American!

Alisha Haight said...

Hey Lindsey! How is your new place? Alia and I were just talking about you yesterday. She showed me pics of Halloween. Cute costume! Keep in touch, and come to girls night soon so we can play some more volleyball!

Arianne Pearce said...

Justin- you are so funny! Thanks for the message!